
Showing posts from July, 2017

Making the Transition from Traditional Cycling to Cruising

One of the many questions I have been asked as of late is the benefits and pro's & con's of Blasting & Cruising vs Cycling. This is a great article from Iron Magazine that I have found that sums things up really well in my opinion. Hope you enjoy it. Peace, Paul While some may argue that PED use has become overcomplicated in today’s drug obsessed bodybuilding sub-culture, previous generations took a much more straightforward approach. Overall, steroid selection was much more limited, being comprised primarily of Deca and D-bol, while those preparing for shows might throw in some Primo, Anavar, or other non-aromatizable AAS readily available at the time. Unlike today, steroids were viewed as an addition to one’s program, not the centerpiece around which everything else revolved. For this reason, they were absent from the regimens of most for a substantial portion of the year. More so, there was a very clear distinction between being on and being off, with both c...

Steroid Profile - Masteron Propionate

Time for a little profile on one of my favourite compounds, and not just because Genesis produce it, Ladies & Gentlemen I give to you Drostanolone Propionate - Or as we more commonly know it Masteron Propionate - Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex. However, the compound was actually developed by Syntex in 1959 along with Oxymetholone (Anadrol) but would not be released until well after Anadrol. Syntex would also provide the compound under numerous other brand names such as Masteril and Metormon among others, as well as Drolban under the license given by Syntext to Lilly. However, Masteron has remained the most recognizable brand and the name by which we refer to the compound most regularly today. Masteron Functions & Traits: Drostanolone Propionate is a dihydrotesto...

5 Steps To A Successful Contest Prep

Now this is an article that I wrote in conjunction with an old business partner, I shan't name who as I need to keep anonymous for obvious reasons but for those of you that are competing or looking to I wanted to share this with you. Some of the words will ****'d out for privacy reasons, but the crux of this will be more than applicable to you all. Hope you enjoy and it offers you some value; 5 Steps To A Succesful Contest Prep 1. START OF GROWING I'm sure you've seen photos of women before who take to the stage looking less than presentable. Whether it be a lack of muscle definition, too much body fat or a lack of muscular development - something just isn't right!  Maybe this was you as well..  Want to know the KEY to preventing this situation? It's not nutrient timing, nor the perfect training program. It's also not intermittent fasting, some secret supplement or hours of daily cardio.  The key is STARTING OFF GROWING Thi...

A Lesson In Digestion - Part 1

I'm going to preface this by saying that all situations when it comes to a clients digestive concerns are highly individual and should be treated as such. The GI tract is extremely complex, with many facets that can be affected (or altered) due to a variety of different external or internal factors. When we think of digestive issues; the immediate go-to remedy often preached is an increased intake of dietary fibre and probiotics. To very briefly summarise these two; he role of fibre (inclusive soluble and insoluble) is to absorb water in the GI tract to allow nutrients to pass through efficiently and excrete any waste matter. Probiotics are live strains of bacteria found in the stomach which can to aid in digestive health, however the exact process is currently unknown. It's theorised that larger amounts of probiotics helps to balance out the "bad bacteria" in the stomach which may cause GI disorders such as IBS. What is known however is that it does not matt...

Designing a Training Cycle - Periodisation pt1

So as a PT and competitive sports man myself I am always approach my training, and that of my clients with specific targets in place, whether that be dates, weights to move, distance to cover during cardio based training, whatever it is I am doing in the gym there is always a goal and set date in mind to achieve it by. This is basic principle of 'Periodisation' and should be the building block of any training program. Periodisation stems from and originates from Hans Selye's model known as the General Adaptation Syndrome, or GAS for short.  The GAS describes three basic stages of response to stress: (a) the Alarm stage, involving the initial shock of the stimulus on the system, (b) the Resistance stage, involving the adaptation to the stimulus by the system, and (c) the Exhaustion stage, in that repairs are inadequate, and a decrease in system function results.   The foundation of periodic training is keeping one's body in the resistance stage without ever goi...

How To Structure Refeeds PROPERLY

So thought I would share a piece of work by one of my mentors and go to guys for nutritional advice, Kyle Webber aka 'The Physique Coach' and owner of Nutrivolve. Now this is aimed more at those that have competed or looking to compete, refeeds can be a god send but also if abused can be the difference between you placing or not, or in worst case scenarios not even making it to the stage after 12, 16, 20 weeks of dieting. How To Structure Refeed Meals Hey there! If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’ve either competed in a physique based competition before or are looking at getting on stage sometime soon!  Now before you get into it, I want to take this opportunity to give you some advice. Throughout my years as a full-time coach, I’ve specialised in bringing beginner physique athletes to a high level of physical development. Now; there are a few essential things that you MUST do (in my opinion) in order to reach a higher level.  Your goa...