Feeling Flat

This ties in with training and diet, sometimes people ask me about feeling flat etc, this is mainly diet related. You'll feel flat and get a shit pump if your glycogen stores are low. Glycogen makes your muscles swell up in size and feel nice and full. If you're noticing flat muscles and low vascularity you should increase your average daily complex carb intake or instead have a high carb day every 3rd of 4th day, around 500 grams (mostly complex), I will explain more about carbohydrate intake further on. Salt increases vascularity, eating more sodium than usual increases your blood volume which makes you more vascular, however it's only temporary, after your body adapts to the higher sodium intake your
vascularity will return to normal. I don't directly recommend adding sodium to your diet unless you participate in a lot of endurance activities, if people wish to a small amount shouldn't hurt and I would recommend Himilayan Sea Salt. Vascularity as a whole is generally dependant on how lean somebody is, not your training and diet as these are temporary. Training in a more moderate repetition range will help with having a longer duration pump also.



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