Fruit & Veg

Why do I dislike fruit and vegetables? Its because they're nowhere near as important as most people seem to think. Assuming you're taking a vitamin c supplement (which I recommend) you can cut them out of your diet completely without causing any harm whatsoever, assuming of course you're obtaining the vitamins/minerals usually found in vegetables from other food sources instead (which isn't hard to do). Overall fruit can cause too many problems, a better explanation would be that excess fructose is converted into triglyceride’s (fat), which are then attached to LDL particles so that they can be shipped out of your liver. This is why excess fructose consumption increases your triglyceride’s and LDL cholesterol. It's important to remember that sucrose is half fructose and half glucose, HFCS also contains fructose. Other issues that can arise are raising liver glycogen levels too high and having no effect on suppressing appetite. Fruits that are high in potassium and fructose should also be avoided in the morning due to interferences with the adrenals, this is why on occasion I recommend berries to those who wish to eat some fruit.


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