Metabolic Stress

When planning your workouts you don't need to account for metabolic stress, only tension and damage. Unfortunately some of the researchers who study this stuff aren't all that bright. The reason why metabolic stress appears to stimulate hypertrophy is because the type of training that produces metabolic stress just so happens to be great for recruiting all available motor units and exposing the slow/moderate twitch fibers to more tension/volume. Performing a light pumping/fatigue set of 30 reps after finishing your heavy 5x5 doesn't cause extra growth because of metabolic stress, if causes extra growth because you've just increased your total rep count from 25 for the slow/moderate twitch fibers to 55 total reps, adding just 1 pump set at the end of your workout more than doubled the volume demands on the low/moderate twitch fibers.

Metabolic stress and fatigue themselves don't cause hypertrophy, the real hypertrophy effect comes from motor unit recruitment modulations, you recruit more motor units if you take a set to failure instead of stopping short but you don't grow because there's more fatigue, you grow because the extra fatigue resulted in more motor units being recruited and more total volume being performed.

Tension is king, both the magnitude and volume of tension are important.

To summarize, use moderate weights, take every set to/near failure, always lift the weights as fast as possible and perform as much volume as you have time for and can tolerate. If I perform 200 total reps with 300 pounds and you perform 200 reps with only 200 pounds or maybe 100 total reps with 300 pounds who do you think is going to stimulate more adaption?


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