Nutrient Timing
Nutrient timing, something that's begun to recently bug me because it's getting way more attention then it deserves. People think that manipulating GH, insulin, glucagon etc with meal timing will have an effect on overall body composition. It's really just a silly idea people get when they think they know what they're talking about but really don't. As they say, a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. The overall difference on meal timing has little effect compared to total intake, now there are some cases where it can be beneficial to include meals, but again without total daily intake being correctly met, this will mean fuck all. For example, evening, pre workout, intra and post workout.Evening time protein intake is important for supporting muscle retention, growth hormone, testosterone and it stimulates protein synthesis thus improving whole body protein balance during a post exercise overnight recovery. At the end of the day it's also evolutionary, after the hunt they would sleep around camp fires after consuming a high protein meal.
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