
Random question I've received on Hydrogen Peroxide, the question simplified, why do you use it as a mouthwash, how can it help you if your sick and why do you avoid chemicals? 

Well, HP is H2O2 while water is H20, so water has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, HP has 2 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms. So basically HP is simply water with twice as much oxygen as usual. HP is unstable and naturally wants to shed the extra oxygen molecule. Oxygen is a bleach, in fact all bleaches are oxidizing agents, this is how HP bleaches your hair/teeth (the oxygen removes colour/stains, other bleaches (for example cleaning/clothes bleach) might use a different ingredient instead of HP but they work the same way, an oxidizing agent causes the bleaching. Oxygen is also very good at killing bacteria, so too is UV light. Have you ever wondered by running water stays fresh and safe to drink but still water goes yucky? It's the oxygen, running water is constantly being exposed to air so it comes in contact with more oxygen. Bacteria thrives in a dark, wet, warm and low oxygen environment (this is why it smells under your arms, bacteria grows there where it's dark, wet, warm and not much air gets there. So oxygen is a bleach and it also kills bacteria, this is why it's so good as a mouthwash, it kills the bacteria in your mouth/gums and it also bleaches your teeth which makes them white. Adding HP to your drinking water increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, the increased oxygen helps kill bacteria, this is why I add HP to my drinking water when I'm sick. I also add some HP diluted in water in a vaporizer when sick. You don't need toothpaste, just brush your teeth with water and then rinse your mouth with HP. 

Avoid as many chemicals as possible but make sure you absolutely stay away from parabens, they fuck with your hormones. Parabens are often found in shaving cream and skin care products. One of the reasons why cancer rates are increasing is because people are being exposed to more and more chemicals every year. One of the only things I use which contain chemicals is deodorants, this is because it's awkward to use a lemon and water spray sometimes. Lemon juice is a great deodorant, rub or spraysome of it under your arms and it should stop the smell because it inhibits bacteria growth. It's bacteria breeding and dying that causes the smell, the citric acid in lemon juice prevents bacteria from growing. Some people make their own lemon juice and put it in a spray bottle, some people simply cut a slice of lemon and rub it under their arms. If you're going to wear a fragrance try to spray it on your clothes rather than your body to further avoid chemicals coming into contact.

Thankfully deodorants are generally fine but not anti-perspirants, they contain aluminium which is linked to alzheimer's and dementia. For soap I use a natural soap, I use a shaving brush with it to help with shaving, I don't use shaving gel or foam etc. I razor shave my face and head so this is helpful, otherwise I would be further exposing myself to shaving products.


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