Types of Carbs

Some people seem unsure of which forms of carbohydrates are best for replenishing muscle glycogen stores, well most fruits aren't very good at replenishing muscle glycogen stores because fructose is only capable of replenishing liver glycogen stores. Sugar (sucrose or HFCS) isn't very good either because it's 50% fructose. Only glucose can replenish muscle glycogen stores.

Glucose = Can replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores
Fructose = Can only replenish liver glycogen stores
Galactose = Can only replenish liver glycogen stores
Sucrose (and HFCS) = Half glucose, half fructose
Lactose = Half glucose, half galactose
Starch (complex carbohydrates) = Glucose

Fructose and galactose can't directly replenish muscle glycogen stores although they can do so
indirectly via dynamic equilibrium (they're converted into glycogen/glucose in the liver and then
released into the blood stream where they can be absorbed by your muscles) although this process
isn't very efficient.

This is where the health vs junk diet can come into play, as complex carbohydrates (or pure glucose
powder/dextrose) are much better then sugar when it comes to replenishing muscle glycogen.
Obviously other factors of health vs junk are important too, In general healthy diets will provide
more vitamins, minerals and essentials fatty acids, some vitamin/mineral EFA deficiencies will hold
your physique back.



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